Press Releases


In contrast to last year’s delayed tax season beginning at the end of January, this years January 20th start has seen an increase in e-files and refunds over 2014 numbers. The IRS has received more than 14 million tax returns as of January 31st, and more than 13 million of those returns were filed electronically. This is a testament to the success and efficiency of the e-filing process. On February 6th IRSCommissioner John Koskinen affirmed their commitment to this process: ”We encourage taxpayers to e-file their returns since it is the quickest, safest and most accurate way to file and the fastest way to get a refund.”

Tax professionals should also be aware of the increase in the use of the IRS’ direct deposit option for taxpayer refunds. To date the IRS has issued 7.6 million refunds worth $26.8 billion with the average refund worth $3,539 during the 2015 tax season. 7.3 million of these refunds worth $26.2 billion have been directly deposited to taxpayer accounts. Jody Dovich at Sigma Tax Pro confirms that these new options are here to stay, “It is clear that e-filing tax returns and receiving refunds via direct deposit is the way of the future for taxpayers and tax pros alike.”

Sigma Tax Pro provides a full range of essential services for tax pros. This includes industry leading software solutions as well as technical support, tax preparation support and client retention strategies. Sigma Tax Pro specializes in helping tax preparation firms expand their businesses, open new offices and increase their client base. Sigma also offers its audit assistance product to protect tax pros and taxpayers in the event of an IRS audit.

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/software/taxes/prweb12565369.htm

Press Releases


Tax professionals should advise their clients that they may receive a letter from the IRS requesting them to verify their identity. There is a website that taxpayers can visit to complete the process, idverify.irs.gov. The IRS does not send the letter because of any wrongdoing on the taxpayer’s behalf but only when they have indications that identify theft may be taking place. The communication they will receive from the IRS will be Letter 5071C. When they access the verification site, they will have to answer a series of questions that only the taxpayers themselves could answer. They will then be asked to confirm that they submitted the return. If they did not, the IRS can then take action to protect the taxpayer.

The letter will be mailed via the U.S. Postal Service; the IRS will not communicate this information through emails or phone calls. If taxpayers receive phone calls regarding the letter from someone claiming to be the IRS, they can be assured it is not a legitimate call. The letter will contain a toll-free number that can be called if the individual does not wish to use the idverify.irs.gov site to complete the process. Jody Dovich of Sigma Tax Pro reminds taxpayers that there may be long hold times on the toll-free line during peak hours, so the website will always be the fastest and easiest option.

Sigma Tax Pro provides a full range of essential services for tax pros. This includes industry leading software solutions as well as technical support, tax preparation support and client retention strategies. Sigma Tax Pro specializes in helping tax preparation firms expand their businesses, open new offices and increase their client base. Sigma also offers its audit assistance product to protect tax pros and taxpayers in the event of an IRS audit.

Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/taxes/new-tax-id-verification/prweb12626230.htm