Sigma 1040-TW Desktop Demo link

Here is your link for the Sigma 1040-TW Desktop Demo. Feel free to look around and if you have any questions, please contact us.

During installation, you will be asked to enter the following:

Sigma TW 2019 Demo

Demo EFIN: 000367

Activation Code: 2GKK-KKKK-9K4K-NIKK-BYBR

To login, you will need to create a password for admin and guest. The username admin will default on the login screen, click login and it will prompt you to set a password. Once you have set the password login to the software and set the password for guest to create a new return. You will do this by going to the tools menu, then utilities/setup assistant. A dialog box will then pop up, click setup assistant then users and groups, select guest and create a password for guest. You can then login as guest and create a return.