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news-v4-04Sigma Tax Pro Advises Taxpayers and Tax Pros To Be Aware of Phony IRS Calls

Many American taxpayers have recently been subjected to a pervasive scam by fraudsters pretending to be IRS agents.

The Internal Revenue Service (October 31, 2013) warned taxpayers late last year of what is purported to be the largest IRS phone scam in history. Criminals have been calling taxpayers and demanding immediate payments for taxes owed. The fraudsters claim to be IRS agents and tell the victims they owe thousands of dollars to the IRS. They demand immediate payment which must be in the form of prepaid debit cards or wire transfers. Thousands of victims have already lost over $1 million through this elaborate ruse which often preys on recent immigrants to the United States.

The Washington Post (April 16th, 2014) recently covered the issue and posted a recorded conversation of one of the scam phone calls. They also report that the reason for immigrants being targeted in the scam relates to the threat of deportation that the criminals use to force the victim into paying whatever they demand. However, they also report that the scam has now spread to any taxpayer that can be conned into believing that they are indeed IRS agents. Furthermore the scam involves the use of VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technology so it appears the call is coming directly from the IRS. The call will show up on the victim’s caller ID as 1-800-829-1040 which is the main IRS phone number.

The IRS has warned taxpayers of several ways to tell if a phone call they receive could be a scam. The first sign is if you have not received notification in the mail prior to the phone call. The IRS will always communicate any past due taxes via mail first. Also if the caller becomes threatening or tries to intimidate you this is also a sign that it is a scam. Perhaps the simplest advice to follow is always to call the IRS first at 1-800-829-1040 to check if you do indeed owe taxes. If this is the case then payments arrangements can be made via the legitimate IRS call centers.

Sigma Tax Pro provides a full range of essential services for tax professionals.This includes industry leading software solutions as well as technical support, tax preparation support and client retention strategies. Sigma Tax Pro specializes in helping tax preparation firms expand their businesses, open new offices and increase their client base. Clients can already renew their software licenses for next year’s tax season and ensure the lowest pricing available in the industry.




news-v4-02Sign Up Now For 2014 IRS Nationwide Tax Forums Recommends Sigma Tax Pro

The Internal Revenue Service recently announced the location and dates for its 2014 Nationwide Tax Forums.


The IRS Nationwide Tax Forums are popular with tax pros, enrolled agents, CFPs and CPAs across the United States. The three day forums will be held at five locations during the months of July and August. The first forum will be held in Chicago from July 1st to the 3rd and the pre-registration deadline is June 17th. The second will be in San Diego from July 15th to the 17th and the registration deadline is July 1st. New Orleans will host the third forum from July 22nd to the 24th with the deadline on July 8th. Washington D.C.’s forum will be from August 19th to the 21st and the deadline is August 5th. Finally Orlando, Florida will see the fifth and final forum on August 26th to 28th with an August 12th deadline.

The pre-registration deadlines can offer attendees considerable savings on the cost of enrollment; the on-site price will be $355 but those who take advantage of pre-registering will pay only $225. These three day events provide essential up-to-date information on federal and state tax issues. They also feature presentations by experts from the IRS and its partners as well as training seminars and workshops. There will over 40 separate seminars and workshops to take advantage of at each forum. Moreover, enrolled agents and CPAs can earn up to 18 Continuing Professional Education Credits in each location. CFPs may also be able to use the courses for continuing education credits pending approval.

Many national associations also participate in the forums including the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the National Association of Tax Professionals (NATP) and the National Society of Tax Professionals (NSTP). Members of these associations qualify for further discounts and will pay only $215 before the pre-registration deadline. Attendees at the 2013 forums reported a 94% satisfaction rate and the 2014 forums mark their 24th year.

Sigma Tax Pro provides a full range of essential services for tax professionals. This includes industry leading software solutions as well as technical support, tax preparation support and client retention strategies. Sigma Tax Pro specializes in helping tax preparation firms expand their businesses, open new offices and increase their client base. Clients can already renew their software licenses for next year’s tax season and ensure the lowest pricing available in the industry.



news-v4-03Renew Now and Lock in Savings

It’s time to prepare for next year


For a limited time only, Sigma Tax Pro is offering current customers like you the exclusive opportunity to renew your software license for the 2015 tax season. By acting now, you are guaranteed to get the best price on the top software you know you will need. Lock in by May 31st will lock in your savings. And you can take your time with the rest. The balance of $396 is not due until two weeks after the official start of the 2015 tax season!

CALL Toll Free: (866) 386-4769‏ TO SPEAK WITH A SIGMA TAX PRO REPRESENTATIVE and lock in your savings TODAY!